Committee Descriptions
Community Projects & Fundraisers
Plant Sale – Annual Fundraiser
Start Planning Now!!- Pot plants in fall or early spring!!
The Plant Sale is the club’s major fundraiser. All members must participate, contribute or bring plants. We encourage all members, especially new members, to join workshops and help at the sale to enjoy new friendships. This sale is an opportunity to dig, divide and share perennials, annuals, herbs, wildflowers, shrubs and houseplants. Some pre-planted containers of flowering annuals & herbs will be sold.
The public is invited -- rain or shine -- in May
Location: The Monadnock Center for History & Culture, 19 Grove St.
Peterborough from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Workshop: Members must bring plants for pricing and potting Tuesday or Wednesday of the week before. See May calendar for location.
We prefer no plants be brought on the day of the sale.
Books & Library Display
The Peterborough Garden Club regularly donates books to the town library in celebration of the lives of members. We also sponsor a subscription to “Fine Gardening” magazine.
At the November meeting the committee distributes a list of garden and
related subject books to assist members in their holiday giving.
Library Display
Club members donate a weekly floral design from December through Easter week for display on the main desk of the Peterborough Town Library. Members who are scheduled to bring a design will be reminded the week prior.
Community Gardens
The Garden Party-Peterborough Town Library
A committee of members continues to weed, deadhead, plant, and generally maintain the gardens at the front of the Peterborough Town Library
The Town Library garden was installed in 2006, and in 2007 won the Debbie Nutter Award from the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs. Since the new bridge construction in 2021-22 the library garden is yet to be reinstalled.
The Monadnock Center for History & Culture
Every spring, club members plant the front garden bed of The Monadnock Center. Members water, weed and deadhead throughout the summer months.
Wildflower Garden
Elizabeth Yates McGreal Garden in Shieling State Forest
Our garden, consisting of nearly 100 varieties of wildflowers, ferns, shrubs, and trees, is in an area offered to the Peterborough Garden Club by Elizabeth Yates McGreal in Shieling State Forest. The garden has received honors and awards:
A National Council of State Garden Clubs $1,000 regional prize, The NH Federation of Garden Clubs Governor’s Bowl (1992) for “a landscape project of great benefit to its town.”
The New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs Laura Wetmore Silver Bowl for conservation.
The New England Wildflower Society Homer Lucas Landscape Award (1995) for “design and maintenance of a public garden that displays wildflowers or native plants for aesthetic and educational benefit.”
A memorial plaque to Elizabeth Yates McGreal has been placed at the entrance to the garden, and we hope that our garden itself will always be a fine tribute to her. A good time to see the garden at its best is in May. We have installed permanent markers to identify the plants within the garden.
A loyal committee yearly selects additional, suitable specimens and
maintains the garden. All members welcome to join!
Garden Gatherings
Invite members to come in June, July or August for a casual visit to your garden to enjoy time together, ask for design ideas, share plants, etc. Hostess provides very simple refreshments (card table, carton of juice, paper cups or coffee). Sign up at May and June meetings.
Field Trips
We welcome all members to feel free to invite the club to any place of interest that you plan to go. Please give at least one week’s notice. Send information to the President or Communications Chair.
Name Tags
Treasurer prints a name tag for each new member. Name tags are placed in a basket in the Welcome Box, and are distributed and collected at each meeting.
Club member sends out cards to members in need of a cheerful thought from the club. We ask members to bring in cards to donate for this purpose.
Club member(s) compile new information, programs and membership updates, and print and mail new yearbook to the membership.
Hospitality–General Guidelines
A signup sheet will be available at the April and May meeting for members to select a preferred date to help with refreshments, welcome table and set up/clean up (Shieling Forest). If you do not select a date, one will be selected for you. Please get your own substitute if you are not available on your day and notify the Hospitality Chair and the others listed for that month.
Refreshment Hostess
The person listed in bold will contact the other hostesses of the day a week before the meeting. If you have not been contacted, please call the others to plan for the meeting.
● Arrive at the meeting location by 9 a.m. in order to make coffee and set up.
● Coffee makers are available at both The Monadnock Center and Shieling
Forest, not the Harris Center.
● Coffee filters, tea bags, sugar and other sweeteners will be in the
Hospitality Box which will be on site.
● Refreshment hostesses should plan to provide coffee and cream,
cold drinks if desired, small treats (not much is needed—we usually
have 30-35 attending), tablecloths, paper goods, and an arrangement for the table.
Welcome Table Hostess
● Arrive at the designated meeting location by 9 a.m. in order to greet
members and visitors as they arrive.
● Welcome box will be on site.
● Set up a table near the hall entrance, place the name tag basket,
have visitors sign Guest List.
● Help with temporary name stickers.
● Provide President with list of guests to be welcomed.
● Introduce the visitors to members during refreshments.
Setup/Cleanup Hostess (Shieling Forest only)
● Arrive at Shieling Forest at 8:45 a.m. and set up tables and chairs.
● After meeting, return tables and chairs to original location.
● Vacuum floor with provided vacuum.
● Remove all garbage from building.
Publicity and Communications
Email Communication
Our email list is only used for PGC news and club meeting reminders.
General club email: [email protected]
Our club meetings will be listed in the Community Links section of the local paper, the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript. Also, please visit our website:
Phone Communications
Members without email will be called to receive club meeting reminders.
Any club member can submit pictures for our website to our photography contact.
PGC has a portable sandwich board, for the front of The Monadnock Center or other event location, to inform the public about each club meeting and our annual plant sale.
Website Committee welcomes any member to join to learn how to update our website.
Monthly Programs
Interesting programs are the backbone of our garden club. Program committee members suggest and discuss programs in the areas of conservation, horticulture, and floral design. Each committee member then contacts potential speakers, and once agreement is reached, ensures that the booking process runs smoothly. The committee member who selects a particular speaker also greets the program speaker upon arrival at the venue, introduces him or her prior to the program, and sends a follow-up thank you note.
Holiday Celebration and Community Service
Every year the club has a Holiday Celebration after the December business meeting. As a focus for our Holiday Celebration, our club chooses a community service project. In October & November, the Program Coordinator(s) organize members’ giving, based on the project chosen. The actual giving occurs at the December Holiday Celebration meeting. The following March, the club will be asked to vote on next year’s project.
Community Projects & Fundraisers
Plant Sale – Annual Fundraiser
Start Planning Now!!- Pot plants in fall or early spring!!
The Plant Sale is the club’s major fundraiser. All members must participate, contribute or bring plants. We encourage all members, especially new members, to join workshops and help at the sale to enjoy new friendships. This sale is an opportunity to dig, divide and share perennials, annuals, herbs, wildflowers, shrubs and houseplants. Some pre-planted containers of flowering annuals & herbs will be sold.
The public is invited -- rain or shine -- in May
Location: The Monadnock Center for History & Culture, 19 Grove St.
Peterborough from 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Workshop: Members must bring plants for pricing and potting Tuesday or Wednesday of the week before. See May calendar for location.
We prefer no plants be brought on the day of the sale.
Books & Library Display
The Peterborough Garden Club regularly donates books to the town library in celebration of the lives of members. We also sponsor a subscription to “Fine Gardening” magazine.
At the November meeting the committee distributes a list of garden and
related subject books to assist members in their holiday giving.
Library Display
Club members donate a weekly floral design from December through Easter week for display on the main desk of the Peterborough Town Library. Members who are scheduled to bring a design will be reminded the week prior.
Community Gardens
The Garden Party-Peterborough Town Library
A committee of members continues to weed, deadhead, plant, and generally maintain the gardens at the front of the Peterborough Town Library
The Town Library garden was installed in 2006, and in 2007 won the Debbie Nutter Award from the New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs. Since the new bridge construction in 2021-22 the library garden is yet to be reinstalled.
The Monadnock Center for History & Culture
Every spring, club members plant the front garden bed of The Monadnock Center. Members water, weed and deadhead throughout the summer months.
Wildflower Garden
Elizabeth Yates McGreal Garden in Shieling State Forest
Our garden, consisting of nearly 100 varieties of wildflowers, ferns, shrubs, and trees, is in an area offered to the Peterborough Garden Club by Elizabeth Yates McGreal in Shieling State Forest. The garden has received honors and awards:
A National Council of State Garden Clubs $1,000 regional prize, The NH Federation of Garden Clubs Governor’s Bowl (1992) for “a landscape project of great benefit to its town.”
The New Hampshire Federation of Garden Clubs Laura Wetmore Silver Bowl for conservation.
The New England Wildflower Society Homer Lucas Landscape Award (1995) for “design and maintenance of a public garden that displays wildflowers or native plants for aesthetic and educational benefit.”
A memorial plaque to Elizabeth Yates McGreal has been placed at the entrance to the garden, and we hope that our garden itself will always be a fine tribute to her. A good time to see the garden at its best is in May. We have installed permanent markers to identify the plants within the garden.
A loyal committee yearly selects additional, suitable specimens and
maintains the garden. All members welcome to join!
Garden Gatherings
Invite members to come in June, July or August for a casual visit to your garden to enjoy time together, ask for design ideas, share plants, etc. Hostess provides very simple refreshments (card table, carton of juice, paper cups or coffee). Sign up at May and June meetings.
Field Trips
We welcome all members to feel free to invite the club to any place of interest that you plan to go. Please give at least one week’s notice. Send information to the President or Communications Chair.
Name Tags
Treasurer prints a name tag for each new member. Name tags are placed in a basket in the Welcome Box, and are distributed and collected at each meeting.
Club member sends out cards to members in need of a cheerful thought from the club. We ask members to bring in cards to donate for this purpose.
Club member(s) compile new information, programs and membership updates, and print and mail new yearbook to the membership.
Hospitality–General Guidelines
A signup sheet will be available at the April and May meeting for members to select a preferred date to help with refreshments, welcome table and set up/clean up (Shieling Forest). If you do not select a date, one will be selected for you. Please get your own substitute if you are not available on your day and notify the Hospitality Chair and the others listed for that month.
Refreshment Hostess
The person listed in bold will contact the other hostesses of the day a week before the meeting. If you have not been contacted, please call the others to plan for the meeting.
● Arrive at the meeting location by 9 a.m. in order to make coffee and set up.
● Coffee makers are available at both The Monadnock Center and Shieling
Forest, not the Harris Center.
● Coffee filters, tea bags, sugar and other sweeteners will be in the
Hospitality Box which will be on site.
● Refreshment hostesses should plan to provide coffee and cream,
cold drinks if desired, small treats (not much is needed—we usually
have 30-35 attending), tablecloths, paper goods, and an arrangement for the table.
Welcome Table Hostess
● Arrive at the designated meeting location by 9 a.m. in order to greet
members and visitors as they arrive.
● Welcome box will be on site.
● Set up a table near the hall entrance, place the name tag basket,
have visitors sign Guest List.
● Help with temporary name stickers.
● Provide President with list of guests to be welcomed.
● Introduce the visitors to members during refreshments.
Setup/Cleanup Hostess (Shieling Forest only)
● Arrive at Shieling Forest at 8:45 a.m. and set up tables and chairs.
● After meeting, return tables and chairs to original location.
● Vacuum floor with provided vacuum.
● Remove all garbage from building.
Publicity and Communications
Email Communication
Our email list is only used for PGC news and club meeting reminders.
General club email: [email protected]
Our club meetings will be listed in the Community Links section of the local paper, the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript. Also, please visit our website:
Phone Communications
Members without email will be called to receive club meeting reminders.
Any club member can submit pictures for our website to our photography contact.
PGC has a portable sandwich board, for the front of The Monadnock Center or other event location, to inform the public about each club meeting and our annual plant sale.
Website Committee welcomes any member to join to learn how to update our website.
Monthly Programs
Interesting programs are the backbone of our garden club. Program committee members suggest and discuss programs in the areas of conservation, horticulture, and floral design. Each committee member then contacts potential speakers, and once agreement is reached, ensures that the booking process runs smoothly. The committee member who selects a particular speaker also greets the program speaker upon arrival at the venue, introduces him or her prior to the program, and sends a follow-up thank you note.
Holiday Celebration and Community Service
Every year the club has a Holiday Celebration after the December business meeting. As a focus for our Holiday Celebration, our club chooses a community service project. In October & November, the Program Coordinator(s) organize members’ giving, based on the project chosen. The actual giving occurs at the December Holiday Celebration meeting. The following March, the club will be asked to vote on next year’s project.
Hospitality & Refreshments Blank Form-for Hospitality Chair use only
pgc_hospitality_chart-refreshment___welcome_table-revised_apr_2022.pdf | |
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