Come enjoy our inspiring programs!
Speakers from all over
New England
Peterborough Garden Club
PO Box 651
Peterborough, NH 03458
PO Box 651
Peterborough, NH 03458
Organized April 1962
60 years of Community Service
60 years of Community Service

Our Purpose:
To encourage and stimulate interest in the beautification of home and public properties and to study and share information on gardening, horticulture, conservation, flower arranging and related topics.
Our Meetings & Programs:
Meetings & Programs are held 6 months of the year, on the second Monday of each month, Sept, Oct, Nov & Mar, Apr, May at either Bass Hall or Shieling Forest Learning Center, Peterborough, NH. Please note our October meeting is at the Harris Center for Conservation Education, in Hancock, NH, nestled in the trees, to enjoy the fall foliage splendor.
The business meeting begins at 9:30am; Refreshments at 10:00 am; Program runs approx 10:30am to 11:45am.
SNOW ALERT If the ConVal schools are closed or their opening is delayed, the meeting is cancelled.
The business meeting begins at 9:30am; Refreshments at 10:00 am; Program runs approx 10:30am to 11:45am.
SNOW ALERT If the ConVal schools are closed or their opening is delayed, the meeting is cancelled.
Our Visitor Policy: The public is welcome at our six scheduled Programs at the cost of $5 per lecture, based on public health guidelines. Guests of members are welcome at no cost. If you are coming to our Program intending to become a member, please contact us.
Peterborough Garden Club sponsorship* & affiliations
ConVal High School Community Dollars for Scholars*
Harris Center for Conservation & Education*
Monadnock Area Transitional Shelter*
NH Department of Forestry/ Shieling Forest State Park, Peterborough, NH
Peterborough Community Center
Peterborough Town Library
The Monadnock Center for History & Culture